Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Home made goodness....

Gotta tell about my yummy breakfast this morning...

Home made yogurt with home made canned Southern Comfort Peach Jam....

The yogurt was made in my crockpot using the wonderful easy recipe found here:


and the jam... I dont quite remember where the recipe came from.. but its a cinnomony peach jam made with Southern Comfort. Home made and canned by me!

Talk about a yummy combonation!

I have taken some of the half gallon of yogurt I made and put in in a strainer lined with coffee filters and strained it down to make a yogurt cheese. Of course I had sweetened the yougurt with sugar and vanilla, so its vanilla yogurt cheese. I am thinking of pouring some Rasberry Chipotle sauce over it to serve with crackers this week. Its a great replacement for cream cheese. I cant wait to have time to try out some ideas... I even foudn some reciped for cheesecake! And I have about 2 1/2 cups of whey saved in the fridge to mix into a bread mix when I make bread in my new breadmaker later this week... YUM!


Dana Clover said...

sounds wonderful!!
I wanna come to your house!