Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The long awaited puppies are here!!!!  3 stout little black tricolor girls!!!!

Pictures to come here in a little while!

***Edited 7:31pm....

ARRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!I lift my usb at work to tranfer the pictures!!!!!!  NOoooooo!!!! I will try to remember to post pictures tommorow.    I think they are going to have heavy copper markings like Raz...  Their points are already visible,  usually it takes a couple days before its visible in my experience.  One has almost a full collar, one has a half collar and one has a diamond on her neck like momma.  Raz is a Minimal white REd Merle with heavy sopper markings.  she has white tips to her toes, a white mark in her chest and a white diamond on her neck that you can barely tell.  I was hoping for a Merle in this litter,  but 3 fat healthy puppies is just as important.